
New beginnings

This is my first entry on this blog. I've titled it quite literally as 'New beginnings' - that is exactly what is happening. I'm pregnant. This came to me as a slight shock, even when the Larva was planned and wished for. My husbands reaction, after I redid the home pregnancy test the following morning just to check what I saw was correct, was pretty much predictable...

We got married about a half a year ago, after being engaged since 2012 and being together since 2008. We're both in our mid 30's, relatively successful in our lives and love each other enough to consider having children a idea good enough to embark on. It took some convincing from me to get honeymoon relatively quickly over and done with after the wedding, and some more convincing for us to actually start trying to conceive. I'm old enough to want the magic to happen sooner rather than later, so on the first cycle I started eating specifically formulated multivitamins, supposedly effective in helping the mother-to-be to be as fertile as possible. On the second cycle we started using Tesco ovulation tests to hone our timing perfect, and it seemed to work marvels, together with a bit of morning temperature taking and an Android app Ovuview (Google Play). I had mentally prepared myself for at least six months, if not longer.

So, now I'm pregnant. I did a test on Thursday evening and again on Friday morning, and a few times since, and the test result is the same - I'm still pregnant. The initial shock and disbelief has taken a few days to wear down, and I suspect once the first physical signs start to really kick in, the disbelief is properly gone.

The whole situation is made a bit more difficult by my medical history. I've not been diagnosed with a DVT or any other kind of blood clot yet, but I know from the genetic tests that I've got extremely high probability of getting one, especially when I'm pregnant. I'm likely to be put on prophylactic low molecular weight heparin or some other anticoagulant from weeks 8-12, continuing some weeks after childbirth. This doesn't make me overwhelmed with joy, as the heparin is administered as shots, probably twice a day.

It's weird to be in a situation I frankly didn't believe would ever happen, just hoped it might. I'm almost woefully unprepared mentally for the challenge, but I'm hoping I'm going to do a good attempt. I'll try my darnest to give it the best shot I can. In the future blog posts I'm going to tell you about my experiences of being an immigrant Finn in a foreign country, being pregnant and maybe even about our little family. Me, my husband, and the Larva.

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